9.33 HexadecimalExpansion
All rationals have repeating hexadecimal expansions. The operation
hexhexHexadecimalExpansion returns these expansions of
type HexadecimalExpansion. Operations to access the individual
numerals of a hexadecimal expansion can be obtained by converting the
value to RadixExpansion(16). More examples of expansions are
available in the
DecimalExpansionXmpPage ,
BinaryExpansionXmpPage , and
RadixExpansionXmpPage .
This is a hexadecimal expansion of a rational number.
Type: HexadecimalExpansion
Arithmetic is exact.
Type: HexadecimalExpansion
The period of the expansion can be short or long ...
[hex(1/i) for i in 350..354]
Type: List HexadecimalExpansion
or very long!
Type: HexadecimalExpansion
These numbers are bona fide algebraic objects.
p := hex(1/4)*x**2 + hex(2/3)*x + hex(4/9)
Type: Polynomial HexadecimalExpansion
Type: Polynomial HexadecimalExpansion
Type: Polynomial HexadecimalExpansion